January 22, 2021
Sok Polyma protests outside the Phnom Penh Municipal Court in support of her husband, Khim Pheana, on October 9, 2020. (Hy Chhay/VOD)

CNRP Accused Complain Over Threat to Confess, Private Call as Evidence

Opposition members on trial at the Phnom Penh Municipal Court on Friday complained of being arrested at gunpoint without explanation; a private call and messages used as evidence for inciting social insecurity; being threatened to attest to their testimony; and their supposed testimony containing words they did not say.

A man rows a boat on January 15, 2021 near the area where fisherman Toem Vi was allegedly beaten by fisheries officers in Takeo province’s Angkor Borey district. (Heng Vichet/VOD)

Fisherman Dies Following Alleged Beating by Fisheries Officers

A Takeo fisherman who suffered severe head injuries after allegedly being beaten by fisheries officers died at his family home on Thursday, after almost two weeks lying on a wooden bed unable to speak and his family unable to afford treatment.