Four teens arrested for allegedly killing another student last week were sent to court and provisionally charged with murder and conspiracy on Thursday.
The four students, two 16-years-old and two 17-year-olds, were arrested last week in Takeo for allegedly killing another student in Kiri Vong district, with little details provided by the police about why the attack happened.
The Takeo Provincial Court charged four teenagers on Thursday with murder and conspiracy, according to court spokesperson Sin Yeuth.
“We have sent the case to the investigating judge and [charged] them with murder and conspiracy,” he added.
The four teenagers were allegedly in a fight on February 3 before they got on their motorcycles and drove down National Road 2 when they saw the victim and slashed his neck, killing the student.
— by Mech Dara
Kampong Speu District Governor to be Removed
A Kampong Speu district governor will be removed from his position, after the Anti-Corruption Unit asked him to take back land that another government official had sold to a private buyer.
Baset district governor Chhouen Sothon was asked last month to take back government land sold to “Vorn Chheu Vinky An Say Nav,” which was land that was previously inundated. District administration head Sin Saron had allegedly used a “key” to open a dam gate to release water and then sold the previously inundated land to the buyer.
The instructions to take back the land came straight from Anti-Corruption Unit boss Om Yentieng.
Kampong Speu governor Vei Samnang confirmed on Thursday that Sothon would be removed from his position but was reluctant to say why.
“It is correct, we will remove the district governor and there will be a change. There is a reason for this and please wait until the sub-decree is issued first and then we will talk about it,” Samnang said.
— by Mech Dara