Following three weeks of nationwide Covid-19 measures, the government is advising that the country’s 25 provinces and capital continue precautions and restrictions based on situations in their local jurisdictions.
In a letter posted to Prime Minister Hun Sen’s Facebook page on Thursday evening, the government said Covid-19 case numbers were stable, but the emergence of the Delta variant continues to be a “worrying challenge” for the country.
Measures taken since July 29, which have included night time curfews, have helped to prevent the spread of Covid-19, and “the Royal Government believes that these measures are still key and necessary.”
Nevertheless, the nationwide campaign would be ended this week in favor of local decision-making, it said.
Provinces and the capital “must continue to implement restrictions, health measures, administrative measures and legal measures based on the actual development of the disease in the capital and provinces,” it said.
As of 8:45 p.m., Phnom Penh City Hall had not posted an update on what measures would continue in the capital. Last week, it extended a night time curfew for one week, while extending other measures, such as restrictions on gatherings over 15 people, for two weeks.
Coronavirus cases in Cambodia have so far risen only moderately over the past week despite the reopening of borders; the country reported 3,884 infections from Friday to Thursday, compared to 3,614 during the previous seven-day period. Imported cases increased from 900 to 1,184.