Preah Sihanouk province has opened up Covid-19 vaccinations to members of the general public below the age of 60, with commune authorities preparing to organize registrations for anyone 18 to 59 years old.
The announcement comes after the province saw a surge of coronavirus cases over the weekend, including registering 143 cases on Saturday, with 138 in Sihanoukville’s Buon commune alone.
According to an order by the provincial hall dated Monday, registrations would be open to anyone aged 18 to 59.
Commune authorities are to disseminate information about the registrations, and prepare sites in open areas to register those who want to be vaccinated, and remind them that they will need to take two doses.
The vaccinations are voluntary, and the registration team must themselves be vaccinated, the order adds.
Sihanoukville city governor Y Sokleng said on Tuesday that the city had prepared 15 locations to begin registrations starting Wednesday.
Following the registrations, village chiefs would notify the volunteers about when and where to go for injections, Sokleng said.
The goal was to vaccinate 50,000 people in the 18 to 59 age range over about three months, he said.
He blamed the recent surge of Covid-19 cases on careless residents.
“The government and authorities have instructed people, but some people still turn a deaf ear and still go out,” he said. “The majority is adhering [to guidelines], but others have been infected due to their carelessness.”