Agriculture Minister Dith Tina takes a selfie during a meeting with former GDP officials Yang Saing Koma and Loek Sothea and Prime Minister Hun Sen, in a photo posted to the premier's Facebook page on November 28, 2022.

GDP Leader Meets Hun Sen, Likely to Move to Agriculture Ministry

Opposition party leader and agriculture expert Yang Saing Koma and a colleague met with Prime Minister Hun Sen to discuss plans to recover the agriculture sector, with a ministry official saying he will be offered a secretary of state position in the government.

Dry seeding using the ‘KID’ seeder machine is trialed in Battambang province on May 17, 2018. (Bob Martin)

Opinion: Supporting Innovation Among Cambodia’s Rice Farmers

In the face of worsening climate change, the extent to which Cambodian farmers are supported to adapt will have significant ramifications for livelihoods, communities’ food security, the environment and the economy, writes University of Sydney professor Daniel Tan.

A police van drives out of the Supreme Court gates on January 12, 2022. (Ouch Sony/VOD)

Confused Farmers Roam Supreme Court Over Conviction

Five Banteay Meanchey farmers appealed their five-year prison sentences over encroachment of nearly 2,000 hectares at the Supreme Court on Wednesday, though major elements of the case remained unclear even during the appeal.

Rice fields and irrigation canals outside Siem Reap city on October 31, 2020. (Danielle Keeton-Olsen/VOD)

Rice Exports Drop 23 Percent Amid Pandemic

In the first eight months of the year, Cambodian rice exports are tracking 23 percent below the same period last year, though non-rice exports have more than doubled in that time.

Authorities vaccinate cows for lumpy skin disease in Kampong Chhnang province's Svay Rompear commune, in a photo posted to the Agriculture Ministry's Facebook page on August 26, 2021.

Vaccination Campaign Launched for Cows

The Agriculture Ministry has launched a lumpy skin disease vaccination campaign for cattle starting with priority provinces after more than 30,000 animals have contracted the disease, an official said.