The Khsach Kandal district police office in Kandal province, in a photo from the district police's Facebook page.

Updated: Opposition Member Arrested After Argument With Police Relative

A Kandal resident argued with relatives of a local police official about trash before being arrested for allegedly damaging property and detained for two days, raising concerns about abuse of power and potential discrimination against an opposition Candlelight Party member.

Traffic was quiet but flowed freely on November 10, 2022, at the start of the Asean Summit in Phnom Penh. (Keat Soriththeavy/VOD)

Man Arrested for Crossing Key Asean Summit Road

Phnom Penh Municipal Police said the arrest happened around 1:20 p.m. along one of the main roads in Phnom Penh being used to shuttle Asean Summit VIPs to and from the Sokha Hotel in Chroy Changva.