Sar Kheng Cracks 12,000 Open for Prey Veng
Deputy Prime Minister Sar Kheng sent 12,000 cases of Cambodia Beer to Prey Veng CPP members in the wake of a successful election campaign, a local party official said.
Deputy Prime Minister Sar Kheng sent 12,000 cases of Cambodia Beer to Prey Veng CPP members in the wake of a successful election campaign, a local party official said.
The ruling party is replacing sitting commune chiefs with new candidates in hundreds of communes for the upcoming vote. The chiefs are largely stepping down by choice, and the party will continue to take care of them, a spokesperson said.
Candlelight candidate Sin Rozeth is in her third campaign to become O’Char’s commune chief, after losing her seat in 2017 following the dissolution of the CNRP. The former commune chief hopes to make a comeback in June and pick up her agenda to improve the commune’s infrastructure.
Seven people have been charged and jailed over weapons trafficking in Cambodia’s western provinces, as authorities are now hunting for ringleaders they say they have already identified.
Military police stopped three people from carrying arms across the border and have sent them to the Battambang Provincial Court, an official said this week.
Millions traveled around the country this New Year holiday as provincial officials and hospitality workers spoke of being surprised by larger-than-expected crowds returning for the first time in three years.
After two years of difficulties crossing borders, Cambodian migrant workers in Thailand are flocking back to the country for Khmer New Year.
A video report alleging a Battambang timber factory was illegally processing luxury wood has landed a local journalist in court.
Battambang residents will be miserable if they don’t protect the remaining forests in the province, Interior Minister Sar Kheng said at an annual provincial meeting, imploring officials to think long-term.
Battambang police officials summoned a Thma Kuol resident because he criticized the demolition of an elevated road on Facebook. He was “educated” and made to apologize for the comment.
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