national assembly
Prime Minister Hun Sen at a graduation ceremony for the Royal University of Law and Economics in Phnom Penh on November 1, 2022. (Hun Sen's Facebook page)

Hun Sen, Critics Debate New PM Appointment Process

Prime Minister Hun Sen defended recent changes to the Constitutional process of choosing new prime ministers, pointing to the U.K.’s revolving-door leadership as an example of a system with less parliamentary oversight than Cambodia.

National Assembly president Heng Samrin at the vote for constitutional amendments on July 28, 2022. (Hun Sen’s Facebook page)

Constitutional Amendments Pass Lower House

The National Assembly passed eight amendments to the Cambodian Constitution, with ruling-party lawmakers criticizing opposition to the proposed changes from small political parties.

Former Sar Kheng Aide Set to Head National Election Committee

Prach Chan, a ruling party lawmaker, former governor of Battambang and Tbong Khmum, and an ex-Interior Ministry official noted as a close aide to Interior Minister Sar Kheng, is set to become head of the National Election Committee.

National Assembly President Heng Samrin, center, raises his hand at the National Assembly on March 5, 2021, in this photograph posted to his Facebook page.

Hotel Guards Out of Quarantine as ‘Draconian’ Covid-19 Law Advances

A Covid-19 law with penalties up to 20 years in jail for intentionally spreading the disease was passed by the National Assembly on Friday and heads to the Senate, as two hotel security guards accused of allowing people to leave quarantine finished their own two-week isolation and were detained by National Police.