Trucks lined up, waiting to drop off sand near Boeng Choeng Ek in 2020 (STT)

80 Families at Lake Development Protest Delayed Land Titles

Representatives of about 80 families living around southern Phnom Penh’s major lake development say they fear eviction as sandfilling is nearing their houses and they have yet to receive the land titles promised to them by authorities.

A bulldozer pushing sand and dirt into the wetlands, next to community farms in 2020 near Boeng Choeng Ek (STT)

Resort Encroaches on Community Wetlands, 11 Workers Arrested

An under-construction resort in Banteay Meanchey province allegedly began clearing an adjacent protected wetland and its flooded forests — designated as shelter for breeding fish — leading to the arrests of 11 workers, local police said.