Two Years of VOD English
VOD English officially started two years ago, on World Press Freedom Day 2019. Below are 24 articles, one for each month since the launch, selected from more than 1,300 we’ve published.Our goal has been to answer: What’s really happening? And: How does it affect people? We want to find concealed facts and lived realities, not repeat rehearsed rhetoric. We’ve looked at issues of accountability — that’s a newsroom’s duty — as well as explored stories of creativity, injustice and pain.Looking back, we’re proud to see the many small stories we’ve covered with both care and irreverence; the many big, substantive articles — more of them than we can really explain how we found the time to do them; and the efforts to be imaginative, principled and defiant. Thank you to all our readers, contributors and sources. We plan to do much more.