January 12, 2022

Land Loss, Microfinance Debts Fuel Prey Preah Roka Destruction

Preah Vihear’s Prey Preah Roka Wildlife Sanctuary is dotted with clearings and fresh stumps. As a local patroller walks through the protected forest, he points out dozens of logged areas, many now being cultivated by local residents. Some say they were pushed out from plantation land or are struggling with debt.

Kamsort, 23, stands in front of a signboard for an event in Phnom Penh from the organization Rainbow Community Kampuchea, where he said he found acceptance in the LGBTQ+ community. (Provided)

A Young Man on Questions That Alienate and Why Gay Marriage Should Be Law

His brother and mother were understanding when he came out, but some friends told him to change. For Kamsort, 23, the teasing questions have become tiresome. He says a gay marriage law will help change mindsets, as Rainbow Community Kampuchea embarks on a campaign for change.