phnom penh
Lay Vannak in a photo posted to the Takeo provincial administration website on December 3, 2017

Takeo Governor Murder Case, Journalist Incitement Verdicts Upheld

A former provincial governor and his ex-provincial police deputy brother have had their 13- and 10-year prison sentences for the murder of a mistress upheld by the Supreme Court, which also upheld an incitement conviction against journalist Ros Sokhet.

Landfilling at Boeng Tamok lake, 2021. (Tran Techseng/VOD)

Justice Ministry to Sell 140 Hectares of Boeng Tamok for Upgrades

Prime Minister Hun Sen granted the Justice Ministry permission to sell 140 hectares of Boeng Tamok lake​ and use the proceeds for infrastructure upgrades, according to a royal decree, with the new diktat coming weeks after the ministry was given land in the lake area.