People walk near Independence Monument in Phnom Penh on March 26, 2020. (Matt Surrusco/VOD)

Red Zones Lifted as Capital’s Covid-19 Cases Dip

Phnom Penh’s “red zones,” the areas of the capital with the most restrictive Covid-19 lockdown measures, were removed effective Thursday, leaving most of the city in yellow-designated areas with about a dozen “orange” pockets remaining.

People queue for vaccines on the street in front of Phnom Penh's Stung Meanchey primary school on May 11, 2021. (Danielle Keeton-Olsen/VOD)

WHO, Gov’t Stress Continued Vigilance as Covid-19 Numbers Ease

Cambodia’s Covid-19 numbers appear to be on the decline, but authorities stressed the need for continued vigilance as outbreaks have emerged across the region, and say they are keeping particularly close watch on factories and dense urban areas.

People who have recovered from Covid-19 in Preah Sihanouk province wait to return home after being discharged from quarantine, in a photo posted to the provincial administration's Facebook page on May 13, 2021.

Covid-19 Cases Decline in Former Epicenters, Provincial Disclosures Uneven

Just over a week after Phnom Penh began a widespread easing of Covid-19 restrictions, Preah Sihanouk province has lifted red zones, Prey Veng is publishing photos of people who tested positive with Covid-19, and some provinces appear not to be releasing new infection numbers at all.

Phnom Penh Lockdown Guide

Your guide to Phnom Penh’s Covid-19 red, orange and yellow zones, lockdown rules by zone and which communes fall in which zones.

A Phnom Penh mosque is closed for Covid-19 precautions as Ramadan draws to an end, on the evening of May 11, 2021. (Samoeun Nicseybon/VOD)

As Ramadan Nears End, Muslim Community Anticipates Subdued Festivities

After a month of fasting, Phnom Penh’s Muslim community would normally gather at mosques for meals and prayers through the night. But as Ramadan this year nears its end, mosques remain shuttered as a public health measure, and members of the community say they will celebrate alone.