NagaWorld workers speak to journalists outside the Labor Ministry in Phnom Penh on January 10, 2022. (Keat Soriththeavy/VOD)

Seven International Labor Groups Back NagaWorld Strikers

International labor groups criticized NagaWorld’s “long-standing failure” to respect workers’ rights and authorities’ “undue interference” of a legitimate strike, as one representative said the groups would bring the dispute before the ILO and Asean, and affiliated workers overseas would also look to exert pressure.

A NagaWorld workers’ rally on January 13, 2022. (Keat Soriththeavy/VOD)

Workers Get ‘Last Call’ From NagaWorld to Quit Strike

Active employees of NagaWorld on strike are getting phone calls from the casino asking them to return to work. Audio recordings of the calls heard by VOD reporters have casino management calling it the “last call.”