Online Game

Skirting Ban, Messages Promote Online Gambling

Mysterious vendors are skirting a legal ban on Cambodians gambling by promoting online gaming platforms that use mobile apps and private money transfer services such as Wing and True Money to buy and withdraw gaming credits.


Thai Court to Hear Class-Action Case from 700 Cambodian Families

A Bangkok court will this week hold a hearing to consider whether to accept a class-action lawsuit against the Thailand-based Mitr Phol — the fourth-largest sugar producer in the world — filed by 700 Cambodian families who were declared illegally dispossessed of land by Thailand’s Human Rights Commission.

Prime Minister Hun Sen and China President Xi.

Chinese Debt Under Control, Hun Sen Says

Prime Minister Hun Sen brushed off concerns that Cambodia could fall into a “debt trap” due to the billions it was borrowing from China.

Huawei. Image: Social Media

Official Says No Security Concerns Over Huawei 5G

A government telecoms official has said that Cambodia will continue to work with Huawei to roll-out a 5G mobile telephone network around the country and has no concerns about U.S. claims the Chinese company represents a security threat.

Arrests Threatened Over Unlawful Sihanoukville Casino

The Chinese owners of a Sihanoukville casino leaking streams of wastewater into the ocean have been threatened with arrest by provincial authorities, who say the resort complex is being built illegally and despite repeated official warnings.

National Bank of Cambodia

Consumer Debt Increases 7.5 Percent in Three Months

Personal loans taken out by Cambodians reached a total of $6.7 billion in the first three months of the year, a 7.5 percent increase on the previous quarter, credit reporting firm Credit Bureau Cambodia (CBC) said.

A man hold phone using Tnaot App. Image: Sun Sokhen

Fractions of Cents Offered to Readers of News App

A mobile app is promising cash rewards for users who read the news — an estimated $0.0015 per article — but one observer has raised concerns over the potential privacy implications of the company’s unclear business model.